

henrik persson [dot] com //

digital strategist // "investor" // data nerd

this is my website

to-do list

What is next with this design

tags: todo, list, next, jekyll,

  1. allow color on the “prime” background
  2. allow image backgrounds?
  3. single page template improvement
  4. update colors in google sheet charts
  5. add disqus comments
  6. category page
  7. tags page
  8. contact page
  9. other files
  10. start writing
  11. favicon
  12. color code categories?
  13. color change for menu on mobile
  14. add some animations to hover states etc
  15. update readme file
  16. social icons in footer?
  17. make the prime/blog category distinction smarter
  18. better photo squares on mobile
  19. better article page top padding